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    Utiliser "beat off" dans une phrase

    beat off exemples de phrases

    beat off

    1. Nemedia, unconquerable by Hyborians, reeled between the riders of the east and the swordsmen of the west, when a tribe of Aesir, wandering down from their snowy lands, came into the kingdom, and were engaged as mercenaries; they proved such able warriors that they not only beat off the Hyrkanians, but halted the eastward advance of the Picts

    2. Charlemagne in 778; in 907 it beat off the Moors, and

    3. `It matters little who is the enemy, if we cannot beat off his attack;

    4. 'Hardly has our strength sufficed to beat off the first great assault

    5. Day before the fig leaf was glued on to spoil the fun, they had to beat off a gloveless Braille Institute convention

    6. He recollected a story, he said, of one of our privateers being beat off by a Jamaica man, whom they attacked

    7. The next species of naval power to which he would advert, is that which, without adventuring into distant seas, and keeping generally in our own harbors, and on our coasts, would be competent to beat off any squadron which might be attempted to be permanently stationed in our waters

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